
Open Source Intelligence Gathering Practice 7

Hi, throughout this repository you’ll find information on Open Source Intelligence Gathering that I hope can provide anyone with assistance to better their skills. I have the intention on publishing these on Medium, so be on the lookout for that.

Useful Links

OSINT Analysis & Practice

Tools Used

  • Google Image Search
  • Google Earth
  • Google Translate


Welcome to OSINT Exercise #007!

Task briefing: The photo below was taken a few years ago in a beautiful city.

Your task is to find the answers to the following questions: a) Where was the photo taken? b) In which year was the photo taken? c) The big poster on the right contained a link to a website. What was the link?

Exercise level: For beginners: a) Easy, b) Medium, c) Hard For experts: a) Easy, b) Medium, c) Medium

Solution + Thought Process

Original Photo

  1. Upon examining the photo, there’s only a couple things that stand out to me.
    • The structure located in the middle of the walkway
    • The poster that is located on the far right building.
  2. One of the first things I want to do is scan this photo on Google Images to see if there’s some useful information that we could find…

Google Image Search

  1. It seems that the location in the photo is the Centro Comercial Vasco da Galleria, a shopping mall located in Parque das Nacoes, Lisbon. Doing some snooping around on Google seems to confirm that this is indeed the correct location, but let’s double check on Google Earth just to be 100% positive.

Google Earth Image Street View

  1. Google Earth gives us a decent depiction of the shopping mall. Enough for us to conclude the answer for Part A.

King Tut Poster

  1. In order to find the year in which the photo was taken, the first thing we need is a lead that could point us in the direction to figure it out. The poster located on the far right building could be a possible lead. Let’s examine it.

  2. Using a little bit of context clues, I concluded that the poster is of Tuntankhamun, an ancient Egyption pharaoh. Googling “Tuntankhamun Lisbon” produced interesting results, but none seem to match up with the poster seen in the photo. What could we do next?

Google Trasnlate

  1. On the initial solve of this exercise, I was not aware that changing the language of a Google search could produce completely different results. After gaining this insight, I decided to translate my “Tuntankhamun Lisbon” Google search to Portuguese. Let’s see what happens…


  1. BOOM! One of the first images in the Google Search Images tab appears to be an exact match with the poster seen in the photo! It even gives us the date on the poster. This images should give us enough information to answer Part B and Part C.

  2. Year of photo taken: 2019.

Website link:


  • Google Images and Translate used in tandem can produce meaningful results for OSINT

  • Translate Google Searches into different languages to get different search results

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