
Open Source Intelligence Gathering Practice 8

Hi, throughout this repository you’ll find information on Open Source Intelligence Gathering that I hope can provide anyone with assistance to better their skills. I have the intention of publishing these on Medium, so be on the lookout for that.

Useful Links

OSINT Analysis & Practice

Tools Used

  • Google Image Search
  • Google Translate


Welcome to OSINT Exercise #008!

Task briefing: The large photo below was taken from a page of the Epoch Times, a Chinese newspaper.

Please answer the following questions: a) What was the audience applauding? b) When was the photo taken? c) What is the name of the venue?

Click here to open the photo on a new tab.

Exercise level: For beginners: a) Easy, b) Medium, c) Medium For experts: a) Easy, b) Easy, c) Easy

Solution + Thought Process

  1. My initial thought on this problem was to find a tool that would allow me to translate the article to English. Luckily, Google Translate does just the job.

Google Translate Article

  1. Looking at our translated article, we can conclude that the audience is applauding a performance from Shen Yun. Doing a little more research, we find that Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company. Part A completed!

  2. After confirming that the article is from a Shen Yun performance, we can begin trying to figure out when this photo was taken. It is easy to choose the date when the article was published (January 12, 2023), but the photo would have to be taken at least a day before the article was published.

  3. I took some time to search through a few different articles discussing the performances. Ironically, I found the same photo that was used in the problem statement! It also includes a caption that should give us the answer to Part B and Part C!

Chrysler Hall

  1. According to this screenshot the performance was held at the Chrysler Hall in Norfolk, Virginia, on January 7. This simultaneously provides the answers to B and C. We’re done!


  • Google Images and Translate used in tandem can produce meaningful results for OSINT
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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