Why Companies Should Invest MONEY in Cybersecurity
Why should companies pay money for cybersecurity?
There’s only one simple answer… money.
I could bore you with a long list of examples, but I think this small explanation could possibly do.
The entire goal of a business is to make MONEY.
Sometimes, a business could be hesitant on spending more money to improve, secure, and protect systems, but a business could lose a lot of MONEY when someone like Johnny decides to do nefarious things.
Who is Johnny?
Here’s a little about Johnny.
Johnny doesn’t do much with his life, but he has a laptop and a wifi connection.
Johny doesn’t work, so he has a lot of time to attack your business.
Johnny is from a rich and well connected family, so he has all of the resources needed to accomplish his goals.
Johnny just so happens to dislike your business. Maybe your business is a coffee shop and you served him a bad coffee, who knows. Now Johnny wants to take down your public-facing website.
If Johnny achieves his goal, then your business runs a 99% risk of losing money. Even more money than you would have spent investing in cybersecurity….
The bottom line is this… Companies should invest in cybersecurity because it helps keep MONEY flowing and growing. Don’t fall victim to a Johnny.
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